Apr 22, 2010


The other day I had one of those no good, terrible, horrible, very bad days.  You know the type - you wake up on the wrong side of the bed, the world is clearly out to get you, and nothing goes the way it should.  Oh, and it rains.

Luckily, the Lord reminded me of  one of my favorite worship songs, Hosanna by Hillsong.  In the bridge, the lyrics call to the Lord to "break my heart for what breaks Yours" and it occurred to me that my heart was "breaking" for some very silly, worldly things.

God's heart breaks for the lost, for the suffering, the hopeless, the despairing, those who wander from Him, orphans, widows, the persecuted and oppressed...I could go on and on.

Lately my heart has broken for...the breakouts on my skin, my frizzy hair, the way my time is "wasted" in traffic, my lack of sleep...and countless other selfish, vain causes.

Clearly there's a disconnect somewhere.  My heart has been so focused on my personal life, my present circumstances, my desires and ambitions, and my vanity, that I've pushed God's heart to the side, intent on satisfying mine instead.  It's completely backward!  Paul has left us a pointed reminder in 2 Corinthians 10:5:

"We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ."

Let's take this beyond coffee.  Are your thoughts captive or are they captivated by the world?  Is your heart broken as the Lord's is or are you, like me, allowing the strings of your heart to be pulled by things of earth?  Let your heart strings be pulled by, and broken for, the things that break the heart of God.


Melissa Rose said...

Hey Laura - saw the reference to Hosanna by Hillsong and wanted to post about how much i love that song :) Your such an awesome lady and I know that my mom definately loves running with you! :)

Jenny and Andy Benson said...

So true! My heart breaks over my lost sleep too, and less free time, and my messy house... this was an encouragement to me! Love you cousin!

Unknown said...

Laura, your blog should convict all of us!!! I think it's too easy for us to get wrapped up in our own mess...typically a MESS! ...when we should keep our eyes on the things of God.. whatsover things... (phil 4:6-8) ... but also, breaking for the Lost... the way our minds take us sometimes is so catty in light of what is truly important.. only God can purify out minds to see things clearer!

ps..that is my hand in the picture..hahaha! ...I feel even more convicted ;)